
View by First Name (T-Z)

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, kids and adults of all ages! Welcome to Ronin's World of Art. My name is Troy Glover but to my friends I am Ronin.

The art that you will be viewing here has all sparked from my own need to either laugh, tell a story, express a thougnt, or provoke dialogue.

Since my incarceration in the late 90's, my soul's journey has consisted of self-transformation, where I have become a servant to others. 

As a servant, I am an author, a poet, a song¬writer...and now a creator of art.

Through all of these mediums, I have strived to give others a reason to laugh and provide entertainment for the imagination, while stimulating insight and connection; giving voice and a sense of shared unity for those who are unable to speak for themselves.

I pray that you too find something on my art page that will allow me to be a servant for you.

NOTE: I have been away from my family for over twenty years. 90% of all dividends allocated to me goes towards me being a servant for my son's college fund. Thank You!

Click here to view my online portfolio where you can browse digital copies of my work. Or go directly to my online shop where you can purchase my trending works on over 70 products, from apparel, to laptop skins and more. 

Interested in my original work? Click here to visit my Featured Artist Page microsite, where you can purchase my original work and limited prints. 

Read about our artists here, then click their name to visit their online portfolio. 


We haven't yet heard from prison artists whose names begin with the letter "U". If you have some in mind, we'll waive our standard Prison Art Listing and Archival Service of $129.95. Simply email us their information at:


Read about our artists here, then click their name to visit their online portfolio. 


We haven't yet heard from prison artists whose names begin with the letter "V". If you have some in mind, we'll waive our standard Prison Art Listing and Archival Service of $129.95. Simply email us their information at:


Read about our artists here, then click their name to visit their online portfolio.

We're on a first name basis with our artists. Please view prison art by first name. 

Covid-19 Warning: Slow the spread by purchasing one of my face masks. Click here to check them out.

My knack for art blossomed at birth, inspired by family, and through a desire that dates back as long as I can remember. Diddling with art as a kid always achieved "As" over "Fs" or "Ds" in every other subject. Art spews from me based on reality as I know it. Life's damnations, emotions, desires, and trauma are usually my subject. Art in every essence is my escape from reality; my sanctum. My most aggressive art, my true addiction, is diorama: canvas on canvas that creates a 3D effect. These three dimensional figures, made of canvas in its own personal form, is my most desired art; my most challenging art. Unfolded from fantasy, wantoness and, most interesting, from the figment of someone else's imagination...who claims they cannot draw. In this essence, I hate to think the beauty of others' imagination would remain captive by the beholder from our appreciation. Never seen unless placed on canvas for all to feel

All of my work, be it diorama, drawing or painting, possesses its own special flavor, its unique beauty. Its own kind of statement whether by the artist's conception or by the viewer's perception. Either or brings me great satisfaction in the end result. Whether it be for my pleasure or yours, I humbly welcome you to my sanctity.

Click here to visit my online portfolio where you can my work, even own it on any of over 100 products (like apparel, coffee cups, iPhone skins and more), 

Want a simple yet fully authenticated sampling of my work? Check out the 8x11 cardstock reprreproductions of my work on eBay; all signed by me via placard on the reverse side.

Interested in my original work? Click here to visit my Featured Artist Page microsite, where you can purchase my original work and limited prints. Interested in my original work? Click here to visit my Featured Artist Page microsite, where you can purchase my original work and limited prints. 

Read about our artists here, then click their name to visit their online portfolio. 


We haven't yet heard from prison artists whose names begin with the letter "X". If you have some in mind, we'll waive our standard Prison Art Listing and Archival Service of $129.95. Simply email us their information at:


Read about our artists here, then click their name to visit their online portfolio.


We haven't yet heard from prison artists whose names begin with the letter "Y". If you have some in mind, we'll waive our standard Prison Art Listing and Archival Service of $129.95. Simply email us their information at:


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by Michael Allison, dba the Gallery of Imprisoned Artists
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